- Balcau, Andrei and Sanchez-Betancourt, Leandro and Sarkadi, Stefan and Ventre, Carmine (2024). Detecting Collective Liquidity Taking Distributions Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF 2024),
- Mumford, Jack and Sarkadi, Stefan and Atkinson, Katie and Bench-Capon, Trevor (2024). Applying Argument Schemes for Simulating Online Review Platforms Computational Models of Argument, 169–180.
- Li, Zhaoxing and Yazdanpanah, Vahid and Sarkadi, Stefan and He, Yulan and Shafipour, Elnaz and Stein, Sebastian (2024). Towards Citizen-Centric Multiagent Systems Based on Large Language Models Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 26–31.
- Sarkadi, Stefan and Lewis, Peter R (2024). The triangles of dishonesty: Modelling the evolution of lies, bullshit, and deception in agent societies Proc. of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024),
- Michaelides, Philippos and Sarkadi, Stefan (2024). Covid-19 in Hospitals Through the Lens of a Citizen-Centric Agent-Based Model Workshop on Citizen-Centric Multiagent Systems, 70.
- Sarkadi, Ştefan (2024). Self-governing hybrid societies and deception ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 19 1–24.
- de Sousa, Luis Henrique Herbets and Trajano, Guilherme and Morales, Analúcia Schiaffino and Sarkadi, Stefan and Panisson, Alison R (2024). Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024),
- Fernandes, Milena Seibert and Rodrigues Filho, Roberto and Sene-Junior, Iwens and Sarkadi, Stefan and Panisson, Alison R and Morales, Analúcia Schiaffino (2024). An Interpretable Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Occupational Stress in Healthcare Professionals 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024),
- da Silva, Heitor Henrique and Rocha, Michele and Trajano, Guilherme and Morales, Analúcia Schiaffino and Sarkadi, Stefan and Panisson, Alison R (2024). Distributed Theory of Mind in Multi-Agent Systems 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024),
- Lewis, Peter R and Sarkadi, Ştefan (2024). Reflective artificial intelligence Minds and Machines, 34 1–30.
- Sarkadi, Ştefan (2023). Deceptive AI and Society IEEE Technology and society magazine, 42 77–86.
- Sarkadi, Stefan and Mei, Peidong and Awad, Edmond (2023). Should My Agent Lie for Me? Public Moral Perspectives on Deceptive AI International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 151–179.
- Sarkadi, Ṣtefan and Moraru, Ionu{\c{t}} and Manning, Louise (2023). Sustainable AI \& Agricultural Technologies 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C), 90–91.
- Sarkadi, Ṣtefan and Gandon, Fabien (2023). Interoperable AI for self-organisation 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C), 86–87.
- Zhan, Nicole and Sarkadi, Stefan and Such, Jose (2023). Privacy-enhanced Personal Assistants based on Dialogues and Case Similarity European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
- Sarkadi, Ştefan (2023). An arms race in theory-of-mind: Deception drives the emergence of higher-level theory-of-mind in agent societies 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS), 1–10.
- Zhan, Xiao and Xu, Yifan and Sarkadi, Stefan (2023). Deceptive AI ecosystems: The case of ChatGPT Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 1–6.
- Rocha, Michele and da Silva, Heitor Henrique and Morales, Analúcia Schiaffino and Sarkadi, Stefan and Panisson, Alison R (2023). Applying theory of mind to multi-agent systems: A systematic review Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 367–381.
- Sarkadi, Stefan and Mei, Peidong and Awad, Edmond (2023). Should My Agent Lie for Me? A Study on Attitudes of US-based Participants Towards Deceptive AI in Selected Future-of-work Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 345–354.
- Price, Adrian and Pereira, Ramon Fraga and Masters, Peta and Vered, Mor (2023). Domain-Independent Deceptive Planning. AAMAS, 95–103.
- Sarkadi, Stefan and Tettamanzi, Andrea GB and Gandon, Fabien (2022). Interoperable AI: Evolutionary race toward sustainable knowledge sharing IEEE Internet Computing, 26 25–32.
- Zhan, Xiao and Sarkadi, Stefan and Criado, Natalia and Such, Jose (2022). A model for governing information sharing in smart assistants Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 845–855.
- Masters, Peta and Smith, Wally and Sonenberg, Liz and Kirley, Michael (2021). Characterising deception in AI: A survey Deceptive AI: First International Workshop, DeceptECAI 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 30, 2020 and Second International Workshop, DeceptAI 2021, Montreal, Canada, August 19, 2021, Proceedings 1, 3–16.
- Masters, Peta and Sardina, Sebastian (2021). Expecting the unexpected: Goal recognition for rational and irrational agents Artificial Intelligence, 297 103490.
- Sarkadi, Ştefan and Rutherford, Alex and McBurney, Peter and Parsons, Simon and Rahwan, Iyad (2021). The evolution of deception Royal Society open science, 8 201032.
- Sarkadi, Stefan (2021). Deception
- Masters, Peta and Kirley, Michael and Smith, Wally (2021). Extended goal recognition: a planning-based model for strategic deception Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 871–879.
- Masters, Peta and Smith, Wally and Kirley, Michael (2021). Extended goal recognition: Lessons from magic Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 4 730990.
- Sarkadi, Stefan and Wright, Benjamin and Masters, Peta and McBurney, Peter (2021). Deceptive AI
- Sarkadi, Ştefan and Panisson, Alison R and Bordini, Rafael H and McBurney, Peter and Parsons, Simon and Chapman, Martin (2019). Modelling deception using theory of mind in multi-agent systems AI Communications, 32 287–302.
- Masters, Peta and Sardina, Sebastian (2017). Deceptive Path-Planning. IJCAI, 4368–4375.